Cigna Health Insurance

Substance Abuse Treatment Coverage

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Introduction to Cigna Insurance Coverage

For the millions of Americans dealing with addiction each day, getting treatment can be a struggle. Just admitting that you have a problem and need help can be difficult, but many face an additional barrier to getting the help they need, the financial cost. It’s unfortunate that for most, the reason that they cannot get the addiction treatment they need to finally break the cycle and get sober is because of the cost. Thankfully there are now options to get the treatment you need. 

Thanks to changes in the way health insurance works, it is now possible to get addiction treatment coverage at a local treatment facility through your health insurance coverage. Most customers have some level of coverage built into their current policies, but it is also possible now to purchase additional coverage for your specific needs. 

At SEE Purpose, we provide top-rated drug addiction treatment in Indiana and are proud to be part of the provider network for Cigna insurance. As a local Cigna drug and alcohol rehab, we have helped thousands of residents get the treatment they need to get on the road to recovery. Today we are going to discuss Cigna insurance, how their drug and alcohol rehab coverage works, the types of treatment that Cigna covers, and how SEE Purpose can help with all your recovery-related needs.

SEE Purpose is a top-rated drug and alcohol rehab center in Indiana. Contact us today to learn how we can help you recover from your substance use disorders.




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What is Cigna Insurance?

Cigna is one of the oldest providers of insurance in the world today. Cigna and its predecessors have been providing folks with various insurance products since 1792 and have now grown to support nearly 100 million customers with over 37,000 employees. Thanks to its history and vast network of service providers, Cigna has become one of the top-rated insurance providers in the world. 

If you’re looking for a specific type of coverage or a plan that offers a variety of different coverages and protections for an affordable price, then Cigna has the products you need. If you aren’t sure how much coverage you need or if you have the coverage you need as an existing customer for your addiction coverage, it’s as simple as talking to a local insurance agent and explaining to them your needs. 

If you would like to learn more about your treatment options and the type of coverage you may need here at SEE Purpose, all you have to do is give us a call today, and one of our informative staff members will be able to answer all your questions.

Find freedom from addiction

Does Cigna Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

You’ll be glad to know that Cigna offers various options regarding coverage for your drug and alcohol rehab. The ability to get insurance to cover addiction treatment was very limited. This is why many people who had health insurance still went without the care they needed because they simply did not have coverage for addiction treatment. 

Cigna provides drug and alcohol rehab coverage as part of many of its basic plans, but there are also options for more specific coverage for customers as needed. If your plan does not include addiction treatment coverage or you would like more coverage than what your plan currently provides, you have the option of being able to purchase that separately. 

SEE Purpose offers treatment for all different types of addiction. If you’d like to see if your Cigna insurance will cover the treatment you need for your unique addiction, you can contact us and find out what types of treatment we provide and what may be necessary for your addiction.

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Know what to prepare for

How Long Will Cigna Cover Drug Rehab Services?

While Cigna offers all types of coverage for rehab services for Cigna addiction treatment in Indiana, the exact length of time your policy will cover can vary based on several different factors. 

The length of stay for treatment is typically set by your plan in one of two ways: a predetermined limit on your plan or a cost cap. Different drug rehab services cost more or less. This means that you may have a shorter length of treatment for more expensive care, such as partial hospitalization. 

Sometimes the limit is set by a number of days, such as 90 days for outpatient treatment and 30 days for residential inpatient care. You can find out the exact specifications of your plan by talking to an agent and if necessary, purchase more coverage. 

Your length of stay will be tailored to your needs when you visit us here at SEE Purpose. We can even help you out with the paperwork for your insurance so that all you have to worry about is what’s most important, your recovery. 


Does Cigna Cover Inpatient Addiction Treatment?

If you feel that inpatient addiction treatment at our Indiana Cigna drug rehab clinic is the right option for you, you’ll be happy to know that Cigna does, in fact, cover residential inpatient stays. Depending on your individual policy, you will be allowed to stay at our facility for a set length of time. However, it is essential to remember that co-pays and deductibles may still apply even with an in-network treatment center like ours here at SEE Purpose. 


Does Cigna Cover Drug Detox Services?

One of the most critical parts of the rehab process is drug detox. When you apply for treatment with a Cigna drug and alcohol detox center, you can rest assured that detox is part of the coverage provided. 

You may need to get a referral from a doctor before beginning your treatment, but in most cases, detox is a standard part of drug rehabilitation and so is covered under most plans automatically. Be sure to check with an insurance agent to ensure you have the appropriate coverage before seeking treatment. 

One of our staff will be able to walk you through the process of filing with your insurance company once you decide you are ready to seek treatment here at SEE Purpose. 

Your New Life Begins Today

SEE Purpose is an Indiana Inpatient Drug Rehab That Accepts Cigna Insurance

Now that you know the value and benefit of Cigna insurance and how they can help cover the cost of rehab, what are you waiting for? SEE Purpose is proud to offer rehab services for folks in Indiana, and we are happy to be able to accept Cigna insurance as part of their vast network of service providers. 

We have a wide array of treatment options and services, all of which are built to your needs through a personalized treatment plan. Don’t let addiction ruin your life any longer, contact us today and learn how our Indiana inpatient substance abuse treatment can help you. 

Let Us Help You SEE Your PURPOSE.

Escape Addiction For Good.

IN-NETWORK with most major insurance companies

SEE Purpose is committed to providing accessible care, being in-network with several insurances, such as those listed below and working with most other major insurance providers.