Addiction Treatment Options Near Ohio
The Effects of Addiction in Ohio
Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain that results in an intense and overwhelming compulsion to repeatedly use substances or engage in behaviors regardless of known harmful consequences. Addictions are responsible for the dissolution of marriages, the loss of friendships, unemployment, and a wide variety of adverse medical and mental health effects. Addictions, whether to alcohol, opioids, or other illicit drugs, kill thousands of Americans each year, and the impact on the lives of their loved ones is staggering. Combined, addictions to smoking, alcohol, and illicit drugs kill approximately twelve million people worldwide each year. More than half of those deaths involve males under age fifty.
Although global statistics are stunning, the statistics pertaining to addiction and overdose close to home are equally as alarming. In the United States, at least 21 million Americans (some as young as age twelve) struggle with at least one addiction. Unfortunately, of those, less than 10% will ever seek or receive potentially life-saving addiction treatment. More than half a million Americans have died in the last decade due to drug overdose. Also, more than 90% of those who struggle with an addiction today began to experiment with drugs or alcohol before turning eighteen.
Finding help for addiction can be overwhelming, but the important thing is reaching out for help. SEE Purpose offers a comprehensive addiction treatment program for Ohio residents at our Indiana addiction treatment center, located just a short drive from Cincinnati and most major areas in Ohio. Let us help you begin your journey to lasting recovery by reaching out today for a free consultation.
Contact See Purpose today and let us help you start your journey to recovery!
What is the disease concept and how does it affect cincinnati?
Cincinnati, Ohio, is one of the largest cities in Ohio. Cincinnati is the third-largest city in Ohio and the 66th largest city in the United States. Like many other large cities with an industrial history, Cincinnati has continued to lose residents since reaching its peak population around 1950. In 2017, just under 300,000 people called the city of Cincinnati home. Although this is a significant decline from years past, it has not altered the rise of substance use and addiction in metropolitan Cincinnati. In the 1980s, crack cocaine was considered the drug of choice for many residents. The widespread abuse of crack cocaine resulted in elevated crime rates and significant challenges throughout the city, especially in urban and low-income areas.
Unfortunately, the damage caused by crack cocaine pales compared to the opioid epidemic that has ravaged not only the city of Cincinnati but also the United States as a whole. Since the early 2000s, prescription drugs such as oxycontin, Xanax, Vicodin, and Percocet have become prevalent sources of misuse and overdose. As members of the medical community began to reduce the number of prescriptions written for highly addictive prescription drugs such as the above, the supply of these highly addictive pills started to dry up.
However, the demand continued to rise. Similar to many other metropolitan areas, as the demand for opiates increased in Cincinnati, struggling addicts began to turn to alternative opioids to satisfy cravings. This led to the growing use of heroin and fentanyl. In 2017, one of the most recent years for which data is available, over four thousand individuals lost their lives to synthetic opioids such as heroin and fentanyl. This death rate of 39 deaths per 100,000 people is far above the national rate of 14.6 deaths per 100,000 people.
How to Get Help for Addiction in Ohio
Overcoming any addiction is not easy. This is even more true when someone attempts to self-detox or detox “cold turkey” from highly addictive substances such as opioids and alcohol. If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction, it is essential to seek professional help through an addiction treatment center such as See Purpose immediately. Acknowledging your struggle with addiction is a first end vital step on your journey to recovery; however, it is only a first step.
The next step is finding a Cincinnati drug & alcohol rehab center that meets your specific treatment needs. If you are struggling with an addiction to specific substances such as opioids, alcohol, or benzodiazepines, it is vital (and in most cases life-saving) to seek treatment in a facility with a professional medical detox program like our drug & alcohol detox in Indiana at SEE Purpose. During medically assisted detox, trained support staff will provide support and care throughout the detox process. Depending on your specific needs, this may include continual monitoring of vital signs and the administration of medications to help reduce and alleviate the severity and intensity of detox symptoms.
Detoxing from specific substances without medical supervision can be dangerous as some of the withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening. The detox process requires you to cleanse your body of all substances. Chronic use and abuse of alcohol and drugs result in physical and functional changes to the brain and body. Without proper medical assistance and therapeutic intervention, it is very difficult to recover from these changes, and relapse often occurs. Only after you have entirely cleansed your body in mind can you successfully transition into a therapeutic treatment program and begin actively working towards sobriety.
Once you have completed detox, you can continue your care with See Purpose as part of our residential treatment program in Indiana. The types of therapy used and the duration of treatment will depend significantly on your particular treatment needs and goals; however, most programs range from 30 to 90 days. It is also essential to consider any underlying mental or medical health conditions that may impact your sobriety journey. It is necessary to treat both the psychological and the physical components of addiction simultaneously to ensure your best opportunities for treatment success.
At a dual diagnosis treatment center, treatment programs center around addressing addiction’s physical and underlying psychological factors. It is not uncommon for someone who struggles with a substance use disorder to also struggle with a mental health condition or vice versa. In these situations, substances are used to self-medicate the unpleasant symptoms related to mental illness. This form of maladaptive coping often leads to chronic substance use and addiction. Without dual diagnosis treatment, one problem will remain unaddressed, and the risk of relapse increases significantly.
Why We Are Your Top Choice in Addiction Treatment
Addictions are not created equal, and therefore addiction treatment should not be either. The experiences and struggles of each person within addiction will vary from individual to individual. For this reason, it is essential that treatment programs are designed based on the individual and not the substance they are addicted to. At See Purpose in the Cincinnati area, our highly skilled team of treatment professionals provides individually designed addiction treatment programs with various levels of intensity depending on your needs. Using a combination of traditional, evidence-based treatment therapies and alternative treatment models, the team at See Purpose will work with you to design an addiction treatment program and comprehensive aftercare program that addresses your physical, psychological, and spiritual needs.
We prioritize ensuring you receive the safest and most holistic care to help you on your road to sobriety and long-term recovery. As your residential treatment program comes to an end, we will provide a comprehensive aftercare plan that includes ongoing therapy, assistance with medical appointments, and information about the community and peer support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), as well as non-12 step options such as SMART Recovery. Access to programs such as these can often be a vital lifeline during the early stages of recovery, especially when returning home to situations, places, and even people that can serve as triggers for substance use.
SEE Purpose is committed to providing accessible care, being in-network with several insurances, such as those listed below and working with most other major insurance providers.
Let us help you find the healing you deserve
Acknowledging an adverse relationship with drugs or alcohol is only the first step on what is often a winding and sometimes confusing road to recovery. The next step is seeking a rehab center in Cincinnati where your addiction treatment program will be designed specifically around you, your help, and your sobriety. Addiction will not retreat on its own. To defeat addiction requires commitment and the desire to begin a new life free of the pull of drugs or alcohol. Today, if you are ready to begin that journey, contact the admission team at See Purpose in the Cincinnati, OH area. Let our team of expert treatment providers help you learn about how you can get help at our drug & alcohol rehab center just outside Cincinnati, OH. Recovery is possible. Don’t give up hope.
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