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What Are the Benefits of Expressive Art as Therapy in Recovery?


Effective drug treatment programs consist of many different therapies and programs. When utilized to their fullest potential, clients receive the tools they need to be confident in their newfound sobriety. One treatment technique that has shown to be extremely beneficial to clients using expressive art as therapy. Even if a client is not artistically inclined, they can find a medium that allows them to express themselves and become empowered to transform their lives.

This blog will focus on the use of expressive art as therapy and the ways clients can benefit from this exciting and creative practice. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, seek out drug treatment that is evidence-based, personalized to meet your unique needs, and provides the support you need to face your addiction head on. SEE Purpose Treatment has helped countless individuals find lasting sobriety. 

Call SEE Purpose Treatment today and find out how our drug and alcohol rehab in Indiana can help you transform your life.

Understanding Expressive Art As Therapy

When people are addicted to substances, their true feelings and emotions are buried deep within their soul. Sometimes these feelings are buried so deep that individuals do not know why they feel and act the way they do under the influence. Art and artistic expression comes from a deep place. When people use an art form, they allow these emotions to come to the surface and they find a profound sense of release. Because of this, many drug treatment centers utilize expressive art as therapy. 

Expressive art gives people a way to communicate if words fail. Art gives them a way to bring their feelings across in a non-judgmental environment.The most important thing to remember about expressive art as therapy is that it isn’t about how “good” the finished product is; it is all about its creation and what it means to the person. 

What Are The Common Types of Expressive Art Therapy?

When you think of expressive art as therapy, what springs to mind? For almost everybody, they think of art mediums such as painting, drawing, sculpting, pottery, and even papier mache. The reality is that expressive art is an umbrella term that is used to describe different creative avenues. Music therapy is another form of expressive art where participants play musical instruments, sing, or write their own songs. Other examples of expressive art therapy in recovery are dance therapy, creative writing, and drama. 

In many expressive art therapy sessions, clients may be given a prompt by the therapist to create a piece in the medium of their choosing. However, there are other situations where clients can create their pieces free form. No matter the method of creation, therapists can review a client’s pieces at the end of the session to discuss their emotional state and what they thought and felt when creating their art piece.

The Benefits of Using Expressive Art As Therapy

The number one benefit of expressive art therapy in treatment is giving clients a healthy outlet to release their feelings and emotions. For some clients, they may not be comfortable speaking about their feelings or may feel they can’t fully express what they feel through words alone. As discussed earlier, anyone can take part in expressive art therapy. Clients don’t need any prior experience or talent with art. Since the main goal of this type of therapy is the release and expression of emotions, their talent will not be a factor. Art therapy also is perfect for clients to let out any negative emotions that could be self-destructive. 

Other benefits of expressive art therapy include:

  • Lowers stress
  • Helps develop social skills
  • Helps in the recovery from trauma
  • Helps clients develop self-awareness and coping skills

SEE Purpose Treatment Will Give You The Tools You Need To Change Your Life

Those who suffer from drug addiction carry heavy burdens that affect their life and the lives of those they love. If you or a loved one need help with substance abuse, SEE Purpose Treatment Center will set you on the path to lasting recovery. Our intensive Indiana inpatient substance abuse treatment features evidence-based programs that blend traditional and holistic therapies. We also offer a luxury treatment environment at our drug addiction treatment center which gives you the comfort and space you need to address your addiction. With the help of our experienced and compassionate treatment team, you will become empowered to change into the person you deserve to become.

Call SEE Purpose Treatment today.

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