According to the National Institute of Health, more than 20 million people in the United States struggle with drug addiction or substance use disorder. While it’s considered a highly-treatable disease under the right conditions, many people will struggle through treatment and eventually use again.


In fact, the NIDA estimates the relapse rate to be around 40-60% for substance use disorders. That means around half of the people seeking treatment for a substance use disorder will return to drug use at some point during recovery – which is shocking and scary.


Although a relapse can happen to anyone, there are a number of ways to prevent and reduce the chance of relapse. For example, most drug addiction recovery centers will combine therapy with medication after a full-body detox. This combination has been proven effective for addicts.


What is a Drug Relapse?

A drug relapse, also known as an addiction relapse, is when an individual returns to drug use after a period of abstinence. It can happen to anyone trying to quit drugs and overcome their addiction. The main goal behind drug treatment is avoiding relapse and remaining clean. 


Not only can it happen to anyone, but it can happen at any time. There are those that relapse the day they try to quit, one week after quitting, a month after quitting, and even a year after quitting. That’s why treating the patient both during and after their rehab assignment is so important.


Relapsing is an unfortunate event that can make someone feel like they’re all the way back at square one. While it’s often a roadblock in the recovery process, it doesn’t have to stop them from seeking a better life, and they can still one day eliminate their dependence on drugs. 


What Causes Relapse?

Most addicts understand they’re at risk of relapsing the moment they decide to stop using drugs, but that doesn’t mean they’re guaranteed to avoid it. Understanding what causes relapse and why so many people are faced with that harsh reality is essential to relapse prevention. 


Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes of drug relapse: 

  • Giving in to urges and temptations (habit)
  • Coping with stress and anxiety
  • Losing the motivation to continue treatment
  • Being reminded of drugs (touch, hear, smell, taste, see, etc.)
  • Being in a place or around people that remind them of drugs
  • Not treating underlying health conditions properly
  • Withdrawal symptoms being too much to handle


Since each patient is unique in their own way, they’ll have their own unique triggers that might result in relapse. Identifying, monitoring, managing, and avoiding these triggers greatly reduce a patient’s chance of relapse – which is essential to regaining control in one’s life.


How to Prevent a Drug Relapse?

When an addict relapses, determining the cause of relapse is essential to understanding how to treat the individual and how to better prevent it from happening again in the future. Relapse isn’t the end of the road, but preventing relapse has to be a top priority during the recovery process.


Here are some of our most prominent relapse prevention tips: 

  • Remind yourself of the reason why you decided to quit and stay committed to that idea
  • Avoid and eliminate any triggers in your day-to-day life
  • Replace drug-using hobbies with healthy, positive hobbies
  • Replace drug-using friends with healthy, positive friends
  • Be honest with what you need and how you’re feeling throughout the recovery process
  • Listen to your clinician’s advice, and don’t be afraid to ask questions
  • Practice living in the moment and learn to love yourself


Getting through the addiction recovery process requires a strong and supportive belief system – the same goes for a relapse, except the pressure is magnified. Don’t worry, there are people out there ready and willing to help you through this difficult time. You’re not alone in this fight. 


How to Find Relapse Prevention Programs in Indiana

Are you struggling to get through the addiction recovery process? Have you recently relapsed from drugs or other harmful substances? Are you scared you’re going to relapse again? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, contact See Purpose Treatment immediately.


See Purpose is an Indiana rehab center offering inpatient and detox services near Fort Wayne. We understand how difficult this time can be for you and your family. We’re excited to be a part of their journey towards improvement and recovery.

Contact us immediately to learn more about our recovery facility and how we can help your loved one avoid drug relapse.

Dr. Christian Small

Medical Reviewer

Dr. Christian Small

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