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Overcoming Shame and Guilt in Addiction Recovery


When you start recovering from the ravages of addiction, you may feel a whirlwind of emotions. The two emotions that are most readily felt are guilt and shame. While it is completely understandable and normal to feel these emotions, being consumed by them is bad for your recovery. If you are unable to move past guilt and shame in addiction recovery, you can become stuck in your past addiction and may never move past those feelings.

This blog focuses on guilt and shame in addiction. You will learn what these emotions are and how they can keep you rooted in your addiction. Most importantly, you will learn simple but effective ways you can overcome shame and guilt in addiction recovery. Asking for and seeking help for addiction is the first and most important step in recovery. As a top-rated drug and alcohol rehab in Indiana, SEE Purpose Treatment provides evidence-based programs tailored to meet your specific needs.

No matter the severity of your addiction, the experienced and compassionate professionals at SEE Purpose will give you the tools you need to transform your life. Call us today and start a new chapter in your life.

Understanding Guilt and Shame

In order to understand the impact of shame and guilt in addiction, you first need to know the difference between shame and guilt. In many ways, shame and guilt have a lot in common. Both are considered self-critical emotions and make you feel inadequate and inferior. Also, both guilt and shame force you to take a deeper look at yourself and find what you need to change in yourself. However, there are differences between guilt and shame that you need to fully understand:

  • Shame is an intense feeling of inadequacy that makes you feel flawed and unworthy. Shame keeps you stuck in self-criticism and self-judgment. Shame focuses on your identity.
  • Guilt is the emotion you feel when you act against your better judgment or values. Shame focuses on your actions.

How Shame And Guilt In Addiction Relate To Recovery

On the surface, guilt and shame can be motivators to steer you toward the path to recovery. Feeling these emotions can motivate you to ask for forgiveness and to make amends to those you have hurt. However, shame and guilt can be very destructive and keep you stuck in addiction. You can engage in destructive thoughts and have strong feelings that you aren’t “good enough” to become sober. This creates a downward spiral that causes you to engage in negative thoughts and behaviors that keep your addiction strong. 

If you take the time to understand guilt and shame in addiction and understand each emotion, you can create a game plan to overcome these emotions and start repairing your life.

Tips To Overcome Shame and Guilt In Addiction

Overcoming shame and guilt in the addiction recovery process is very difficult. While there is no foolproof way to overcome these emotions, there are tips that can make the process easier if you apply yourself:

  • Understand your emotions and their role in your addiction. Understand that addition is a disease and your actions were the symptoms of that disease. Don’t dwell on guilt and shame because they will prevent you from moving forward
  • Be accountable for your actions. Accept what you have done, own it, and work toward righting the wrongs. Make a sincere effort to recognize the mistakes you made and take steps to undo that damage.
  • Forgive yourself and don’t look at the past. Focus your energy on the present and what you can do right now to go in the right direction
  • While difficult, ask others to forgive you. Some people may be on board with your honest attempts at recovery while others may be hesitant or even reject you. Keep working on yourself and move yourself toward recovery day by day.
  • Seek help if you find it necessary. Get professional drug treatment, seek the help of a support group, and meet with an experienced therapist on a regular basis.

Are You Ready To Take The First Step?

Guilt and shame are powerful emotions that can keep you rooted in addiction. If you are ready to take that first step towards freedom, call SEE Purpose Treatment today. Our evidence-based detox, residential, and aftercare programs are designed to meet your unique needs. At our luxury drug addiction treatment center in Indiana, you can address and overcome your addiction in a safe, supportive, comfortable, and non-judgmental environment. 

Make the commitment toward lasting health and happiness and call SEE Purpose Treatment Center today.

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