Tips For Staying Sober During the Holidays

For most, the holidays are a time of happiness and cheer. This part of the year gives us a chance to reconnect with friends and family and celebrate all things that bring our lives joy. However, for those dealing with an addiction, it can be a real struggle. With all the celebrating, it can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Depending on the situation, some people are more likely to relapse during this time, which can undo all the progress they have made with their recovery. Without the proper help and support, many people with addictions don’t make it through the holidays sober. 

However, there are ways to improve your chances of staying sober. There are activities you can do, support groups, and more. The trick is finding the options that work best for you, and your unique situation to minimize the likelihood of relapse and, instead, build healthy habits that steer you clear of your addiction. Being in recovery from addiction doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed not to relapse. By using what you learned in treatment and a few helpful suggestions, it is possible to celebrate the holidays without fear of relapsing. 

At SEE Purpose, we understand the challenges that come with being in recovery from addiction and how stress and temptation can impact a person’s recovery and long-term sobriety. That’s why today we’ve put together some sober holiday tips. We are going to discuss what makes the holidays so challenging for those in recovery and list a few tips for staying sober during the holidays.

SEE Purpose is a top-rated drug and alcohol rehab center in Indiana. Contact us today to learn more about our detox center in Indianapolis.


Why Can the Holidays Be Challenging During Recovery?

There are many reasons why the holidays are challenging for addicts in recovery. 

The holidays can be stressful with everything going on. Between different events, travel, and families getting together, things can start to feel chaotic at times. Not to mention work and other responsibilities at the same time. These can be triggering events and stressors.

There is also the fact that for many, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues become worse during this time of year. It is easy to see how a person with an addiction issue might become anxious or depressed and end up relapsing as a result. For those that are without people to celebrate with, this problem can be compounded by other factors and made even worse. 

During such a busy time, staying in contact with the support network you built up during recovery can be more difficult. This can make a difference when a person in recovery needs help but isn’t able to get it due to the holidays.


Tips for Staying Sober During the Holidays 

Even though things can get difficult during the holidays, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to cope and stay sober. 

Tip #1: Find activities to keep you busy that don’t involve drinking and using drugs. One of the biggest triggers for relapse is the combination of loneliness and boredom that people experience during the holidays. 

Tip #2: Reach out to your support groups and even your treatment center if you’re struggling. Many times you can find people going through similar struggles that can help you get through the holidays sober. 

Tip #3: Try giving back during the holiday season. Spend time at a soup kitchen, take donations for a charity, volunteer to read to kids or spend time with the elderly. These are not only worthwhile tasks, but they can grant a sense of fulfillment and purpose that some may be lacking during the holiday season. 


SEE Purpose Treatment Center Offers Relapse Prevention Programs in Indiana

We know that it can be difficult to deal with everything that happens during the holidays. If you feel that you need treatment or want to support yourself during the holiday season, then SEE Purpose is here for you. 

As the premier drug addiction treatment center in Indiana, we have programs for all types of addiction, detox, and other forms of treatment, but our most important program during the holidays is our relapse prevention program. This aftercare program aims to give clients tools to help them keep from relapsing even during the most stressful situation. 

Don’t go at it alone during the holiday. Let us be here for you when you need that extra bit of help and support. Contact us today!

Dr. Christian Small

Medical Reviewer

Dr. Christian Small

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