Tips For a Successful Drug Intervention

Anyone who has ever seen someone struggle with addiction knows how difficult it is for them to get clean and sober. Addiction is a life-altering disease, and without the proper help and support, it is impossible to get sober and stay that way. Adding to the struggle of addiction is the fact that many people don’t realize they have a problem until it is too late, or they feel too ashamed to ask for help with their addiction. This makes it that much harder on their loved ones, who want nothing more than to see them get treatment and go on to live a sober life with friends and family. 

However, getting someone with an addiction to admit they have a problem is easier said than done. There are many reasons why a person with an addiction may not want to seek help, and it is essential to find the right way to get them into treatment. Often the best solution is to hold an intervention to try and convince them that their addiction is hurting not just themselves but those around them and that getting into treatment is the best course of action. 

SEE Purpose is a top-rated drug and alcohol rehab in Indiana that is here to help all of our clients and their families get the help they need with their addiction. That includes finding the best way possible to get a loved one suffering from addiction to seek treatment. 

Why Do Drug Addicts Refuse Treatment? 

There are a wide range of factors that inform whether or not a person goes into treatment. Sometimes there are health issues, responsibility from family, or even financial issues that keep someone from going into rehab. More often than not, though, the reason a person with an addiction does not get help even after it has been offered is because they believe they do not have a problem. 

Addiction is a disease, but it is also a process. As a person is using drugs, they tend not to see the damage that the drug use is causing, even as bad things happen to them. Only once they are confronted with the truth of their addiction or things have gotten so bad that they can no longer deny the scope of their addiction, such as health complications, can they be made to see that they have a problem. 

Even once they know they have a problem, many still think that they can handle it themselves and that all they need is to make an adjustment or hide their addiction better to keep it under control. This is not the case. Once a person is addicted, the only way to solve the problem and repair the addiction’s damage is by going into rehab. That is why drug intervention programs and drug interventionists exist, to help those who have a loved one with an addiction and push them to get treatment. Still, holding an intervention is a delicate matter that may require the help of a drug intervention specialist. 

Tips For a Successful Drug Intervention 

The purpose of an intervention is to motivate someone to seek help with their addiction. Though they are an essential part of getting someone to seek treatment, it is important to go about them in the right way. Here are some tips to make your intervention more successful 

  1. Make a plan and make sure everyone involved knows what to do 
  2. Talk to each other and share details about your loved one and the reason for the intervention. Keep everyone on the same page.
  3. From the group of people who will speak and be a part of the intervention. Assign roles if necessary, but make sure everyone is on board with the goal of the intervention. 
  4. Make a list of consequences 
  5. Prepare speeches/statements/letters 
  6. Hold the intervention. If you have trouble putting things together or are unsure of the specifics, it is ok to hire professional help. 
  7. Follow through with the purpose of the meeting. If the loved one agrees to get help, make sure they do; if not, make good on the consequences that everyone decided on. 

An intervention is all about being compassionate and supportive of the person going through addiction, but it must also look out for the friends and family being hurt as well. The end goal is to get your loved one into treatment, but if they still refuse, there must be consequences that they face because of that refusal that will hopefully motivate them to reconsider.

Let SEE Purpose Help With Your Addiction Treatment Today 

Once your loved one has decided to get help, SEE Purpose will be there to provide them with whatever treatment they need in a personalized setting that deals with their own personal addiction and the situations surrounding it. 

We know it can be a struggle to get them to go to rehab, and that’s why we offer the best treatment options to help them learn how to live without their addiction and move forward to a happy and productive life. Call us today to find out more about our Indiana drug addiction treatment services and how we can help your loved one.

Dr. Christian Small

Medical Reviewer

Dr. Christian Small

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